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The Basics

Creating any plugin for MidiVid requires you to implement two classes:

You'll also need a Globally Unique Identifier or GUID for your plugin, so MidiVid can tell it apart from other plugins. Microsoft distributes an app that will generate them for you, called UUIDGEN.EXE. I found it in Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\Tools. If you're using Visual Studio 2003, you can simply choose Create GUID from the Tools menu. You'll see a window that looks like this:


Choose the 3rd option, static const struct GUID, and hit the copy button. Paste the GUID into the source file for your plugin.

You should have something like this:

// {C91CAD2B-4FD9-4dd4-A1F4-CFB1FE185AC1}
static const GUID <<name>> = 
    { 0xc91cad2b, 0x4fd9, 0x4dd4, { 0xa1, 0xf4, 0xcf, 0xb1, 0xfe, 0x18, 0x5a, 0xc1 } };

You'll need to give your GUID a name, and change it to use MidiVid's MVGuid type. Change the code to look like this:

// {C91CAD2B-4FD9-4dd4-A1F4-CFB1FE185AC1}
static const MVGuid MyPluginGUID = 
    { 0xc91cad2b, 0x4fd9, 0x4dd4, { 0xa1, 0xf4, 0xcf, 0xb1, 0xfe, 0x18, 0x5a, 0xc1 } };

This is the GUID object you'll return from both your plugin and the plugin descriptor to identify it.

Next step: Implementing MVPlug

MidiVid GPU Version 1.0
Copyright (c) 2005 Jason Dorie and VUTAG
Generated on: Sun Jan 25 23:45:41 2009