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MidiVid Plugins

What's a plugin?

MidiVid uses plugins to achieve most of its functionality. A plugin is a chunk of code that presents itself to MidiVid in a standard way. MidiVid can load and use new plugins, as long as they communicate with MidiVid in this standard way. The best part is, the way that these plugins talk to MidiVid is well documented, so other developers can write new plugins, you can download them, and they'll just work.

Plugin Types

MidiVid uses two different kinds of plugins: Sources, and Effects. A Source plugin provides a stream of data that can be displayed or modified by an Effect plugin, and an Effect plugin takes a data source and does something with it. While this is their most common use, Effect plugins don't have to work from data sources. They can do other things, like send audio to a sound card, send out MIDI information, or send data over a network to some other program or other machine.

Source plugins are used indirectly, when an effect plugin requests them. Check out the page on choosing sources for more information.

Effect plugins are assigned to notes in MidiVid through the Notes Panel.

The Standard MidiVid plugins

MidiVid GPU currently ships with these plugins, though this list is constantly growing:



These are the workhorses of MidiVid, and most have numerous parameters and modes of operation. Many of their parameters can be varied by note velocity (how hard you hit the note on a MIDI keyboard or other device). They also generally expose a number of parameters on the Knob Shelf, which can be manipulated manually, or through continuous controllers.

The Basics

2D Effects

3D Effects

3D Generators

Other Effects

MidiVid GPU Version 1.0
Copyright (c) 2005 Jason Dorie and VUTAG
Generated on: Sun Jan 25 23:45:41 2009